Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank You Jenny

I don't know who you are, or if Jenny is your real name, but thank you. Thank you for helping me rise to the occasion, even when my selfish, skeptical nature told me I should just avoid the situation and look out for #1. Thank you for helping me break the destructive mold I've been headed in. Thank you for helping me re-learn what it is to truly care for others, and sacrifice on their behalf. And thank you for allowing me to be there for you, in your time of need.

Who is Jenny you may ask? I don't know, exactly. I just know she was a woman in need, and one who was able to break through my slowly hardening shell. You see, I've become obsessed with money, and my goals, and all sorts of meaningful, yet material things. Yes, financial health is important, but not as important as a stranded daughter getting to the hospital to see her fragile mother. Yes we should be careful stewards of the things we are given, but being a steward requires giving it away when asked.

You see, giving is something I've grown less and less "good at" lately. Of course I'm still giving to those I know, but what about those in need, whom I haven't had the chance of meeting yet. I haven't been giving the way I'd like to, and I always find an excuse when the opportunity arises. I have a savings goal. My husband in back in school - that costs money. Taxes are due. Just let me finish building my emergency fund first.

I had a conversation with a very dear friend right after I met Jenny, because she is someone I look up to in the area of giving to others - I thought she would help me make sense of the situation. You know what she told me? "Giving is a sacrifice. It's giving up your morning coffee or that pair of jeans so that you can help someone else. It's not just giving when it can be recorded for a tax write-off." Thank you friend! And thank you Jenny. Thank you for helping me access that part of my heart again - the part that longs to give to others in a way that will make a difference in their life. Thank you for helping me touch the life of another.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My First Ever Guest Post!

I'm excited to announce that my first-ever "guest post" was published today over at one of my favorite blogs- 2000 Dollar Wedding. The author, Sara, is an incredible woman focused on practical and purposeful living. You should definitely check out her blog, and not only because of my post.

The entry, entitled "A Tale of Two Receptions", describes why Greg and I chose to have two receptions and why we think others should consider it as well. Hope you enjoy!