Saturday, November 8, 2008

Running Quote of the Week: One

Picture by zebra.paperclip

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"
- Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian and sub-2:12 marathoner

I'm not gonna lie, this whole running 3 days a week thing has been hard. It's not necessarily difficult to make the time, it's difficult to make myself use the time for the means of fitness. Thankfully, I'm still on week three of the program, so I haven't fallen TOO far behind. I should be on my last week when I go home for Christmas vacation, and that may actually give me even more motivation to go while I'm home than if I were done, and just continuing to run. I think I'm still going to gift myself some Under Armor before I go home, and maybe I'll go to a running store in Portland, so I can save the tax on a new pair of shoes. Or even better, maybe someone will buy me the running shoes for Christmas!

So my goal for the week, is to be strong each day; to go running whether it's easy and convenient, or not. I have to make fitness and nutrition a part of life now, or it will just get more and more difficult as the years go by.

Also, this weekend Greg and I are cooking my lunches for the week again. We're making split pea soup, pepperoni cheese bread, and wheat bread. I'm actually enjoying this grocery shopping/cooking thing. It's fun to see how much money and calories I can save!

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