Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Today, I am grateful for dinner. I'm not only grateful for the usual benefits it brings about on the surface - sustenance, tastiness, nutrition - but I'm also grateful for some of the hidden treasures that dinner can bring. For me, dinner is an example of the primary time I get to spend with my husband (whether it be 7pm on a Wednesday night, or 10pm on a Friday or Saturday night, after he's finally home from work). Dinner is also representative of the family time we will protect and cherish with our children when they come (even though those dinners are still pretty far in the future). Dinner is the setting for so many new friendships I've forged, people I've met, and relationships I've deepened.

Tonight's dinner was even more special, due to something a friend brought to light yesterday. I realize I'm blessed to be able to have dinner with my husband, and those I love, every day. Thank you, friend, for the reminder that I should cherish the time I have with those I love, rather than complain when our quality time is lacking for one reason or another.

So with no further ado, I offer you a picture of tonight's simple dinner - grilled chicken, sweet potato fries, and blue cheese enveloped asparagus. Both my stomach and my taste buds were grateful for this meal.

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