Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blog Fail

Epic blog fail. For the last few months, I've had serious writers block. I tried to figure out some sort of "series" last month with the posts on gratefulness, but after a while, it was hard to think of things that would be interesting to write about (and read) - and honestly, I felt like the two posts I did write were...well...lame. There are a lot of things I'm thankful for in this world, but those things can't always be expressed in an exciting way with words. So I'm going to move that feat over to the photography blog at some point, because I think I would find it more challenging, more meaningful, and frankly more possible to exemplify my gratefulness with pictures.

In the meantime, I've come up with a new idea to break this block, based on a series run by both New York Magazine and, one of my favorite personal finance sites, I Will Teach You To Be Rich. They are called the Sex Diaries/Money Diaries respectively, and each contributor tracks their thoughts and experiences with sex/money over the course of a week to share with the world. I love this concept. I want to engage in this concept. So for the next six months, as I continue my journey to 30, I want to take each of the 6 remaining months and focus on 6 important areas of my current life. So next month, I will aim to redeem this blog fail by focusing on my current trials and triumphs as I transition to a Primal lifestyle. I'll do a week long "diary", and also write individual posts whenever the desire arises.

Next week, I will be recording all my thoughts and activities related to my efforts to improve my diet, exercise, sleep routine, and my attempts to add more playtime, sun, and creative pursuits into my life. This may sound more like 6 things...but in actuality, it's all wrapped up into the Primal lifestyle. So stay tuned, as I once again attempt to break my writer's block, and reignite my journey into the next decade of this beautiful life.