Monday, March 16, 2009

Struggling and Juggling

Ugh...I seriously hate Mondays. Have I ever mentioned that before? There is something about Monday that just drains all motivation and energy from my being. Perhaps it is because on Sunday, I get to have a lazy day and either do something fun, relaxing, or very productive. And then comes Monday. This semester is especially painful because I have class until 10:00 p.m. on Mondays. So point made - I loathe the day that is Mon.

So how do I overcome this hatred? How do I force myself to start the day on a productive note that will keep me going throughout the day? How do I keep Monday from poisoning the end of my Sunday? These are questions I don't yet know the answer to! And to make matters worse today...I tried going for one of my three weekly runs (to see if that might fuel my motivation) and instead it stifled any ounce of driving force I had left. I only made it through half my run before I just could not force myself to keep going any longer. Thankfully, instead of just quitting, I just changed equipment and went on the elliptical. I will try again tomorrow and see how I do.

I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut again and I'm not sure why. I keep making excuses that I'll do better at things when I'm done with school (e.g. I'll be healthier, I'll go to the gym more, I'll cook more, etc.), but it's not like I have absolutely no time for those things now. I have gotten very, very lazy as of late. During my down time, I'm often not even doing homework...rather I'm wasting away in front of the television or screwing around online. I pretend that I am juggling so many things, but really all I have is work, school, and Greg...I don't have a whole lot else going on in my life. Well, I take that back, I do serve on a board, and try to exercise on a regular basis, so I guess that's a few other things. But the point is, I just feel like I could organize my time SO much better. I could manage myself so much better. I've tried making myself a "schedule" but I have yet to stick to it. I would very much appreciate any suggestions anyone has. In the meantime, I will make myself feel better by knowing that identifying the problem is half the battle.

In the meantime, I will re-evaluate my goals and see where I can best focus my time. And I'll also try to cut myself some slack - being hard on myself will not make things any better. :)

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