Saturday, October 25, 2008

True Inspiration

I just finished watching one of the most inspirational lectures I've heard in a long time...possibly ever. It is by a man named Randy Pausch, a tenured professor at Carnegie Mellon University who passed away this summer (July 25, 2008). Wow! What an incredible person! There are so many points from the lecture that I could write about, but instead I will spare you and just direct you to the video.

Instead, I wanted to use this blog as more of a forum for myself. You see, I feel like my life has become dangerously sidetracked since I started my first "real job" (and if you don't know that story, please feel free to ask). I have forgotten so many of my dreams and wonder if I am headed in the right direction. This video challenged me to remember those dreams, and work toward them (either realistically or metaphorically). So that's what I want to do...write them out and get back on the right path.

So what did I want to do when I was a kid? What did I want to be? What was exciting? To be honest, sometimes it's hard to even remember certain aspects of my childhood....but I'm sure gonna try (now, and for the rest of my life).

1. I wanted to be an astronaut. Not only was I interested in science when I was a kid, but I was utterly fascinated with space. I knew so much random information about the planets it wasn't even funny. I was the only one who knew the order of the planets at the beginning of my astronomy class. How can I incorporate this? Does it have to do with my sense of wonder? Will I ever be able to go into space and see that view, feel that awe? That's one dream I need to figure out and work toward.

2. I wanted to be a performer. This dream was always changing; one minute I wanted to be a professional singer, the next I wanted to be a Rockette. One minute I wanted to be a movie star, the next I wanted to be on Broadway. The moral of the story is, I love people. I love performing. I love telling stories. I love teaching people things. How does this translate? Where am I supposed to go with this dream?

3. I wanted to be valedictorian. CHECK! Yay, got one! There was more to this one than just that honor though. You see, I wanted to hold myself to high push myself toward more than others, and even I, thought I could accomplish. I still remember the day I decided I was going to be valedictorian. I was sitting at my brother's senior awards ceremony and I saw this girl who got all the awards...and I wanted to be her, because I knew I could! Maybe I'll expand on that later. :)

4. I wanted to love and be loved. I know this sounds silly, but I wanted what my parents didn't have: the top of love you fight for. I wanted a close family who would go on family trips every year. I wanted to be a cute mom, and a hott wife. I think I'm very much on my way toward these goals. I love you Greg!

I'm sure there are more...and as I come up with them, I'll write them out. But for now, I just want to focus on envisioning the next few years of my life and make sure I'm on the right track!

Seriously this video!!

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