Friday, October 10, 2008

Time to Tri Something New!

First of all, yes, I know that "tri" is spelled wrong in the title. It's intentional, I promise!

As some of you may know, I've been in a "health" funk for quite some time now. In fact, I've just been in a general funk, but health has been one of the primary areas. While I've gotten back into an exercise "routine", I feel like it's not enough. Eventually it will become a boring, post-work activity that I don't look forward to in the least. I think I discovered why this is the case: I'm not working toward anything. Yes, there is always the goal of weight loss, however, that is not enough anymore. I've decided to set a goal for myself: I am going to participate in a sprint triathlon in August of 2009. At first, I thought about doing an Olympic Triathlon, but I want to start small...and I also want to leave more to work toward. So here is my plan (which I am writing more for myself than anybody else):

1. Complete the Couch to 5K Training Program. This program does exactly what is says - gets me off the couch and running a little over three miles. My first goal is to be regularly running 3 miles, at least 3 times a week. Running has always been hard for me, but I think that's because I've always tried to go too hard core too fast. This gradually helps me work toward a 3 mile starting point. One I hit that, I can continually improve. This is also perfect considering the final leg of the spring triathlon is a 5K run. Once I achieve this goal, I want to reward myself with a great pair of running shoes from a store that actually watches you run and chooses the best shoe (such as Pacers, or Portland Running Company).

2. Get a bike and start riding it regularly. For the time being, financial and weather constraints may constrict me to the stationary bike at the gym, but one spring hits, I would like to get a real bike (as I will need one for the race anyway). The Spring Triathlon distance is 16 miles, so I would like to be able to comfortably ride that distance come June or July. I am already starting to save toward this goal (purchasing the bike, and needed equipment).

3. Start swimming once a week. Since I want to keep my workouts varied, I would like to start "hitting the pool" once a week or so. I need to get back in the habit of swimming long distances, as I haven't really done this since high school. This is the first and (for many people) most daunting part of the triathlon. Luckily, I had some fairly regular practice with this in high school - I know I can do it, I just need to work up to it again.

4. Participate in the "Manassas Mini Triathlon*". This will be my first real triathlon experience, and will tell me if I have enough fun to continue with this event long term. It will also give me some beginning practice with transitions and all the anxiety that comes with competition. This will also be perfect as it will be taking place around the same time I would like to start my training program.

5. Finish the "Luray Sprint Triathlon**". Depending on how I do in the mini triathlon, and how my training is progressing, I will set more specific goals closer to race time. Right now, I'm just excited to have something to train for, rather than having a very large, ambiguous goal of "being healthy".

*Mini Triathlon = 250 yard swim/4 mile bike ride/1.4 mile run
**Sprint Triathlon = 750 yard swim/16 mile bike ride/3.1 mile run

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